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Our Vision

Oak Grove Church is a community of believers who are committed to growing up together as brothers and sisters, the children of our Heavenly Father. 


We believe that we are all on a journey and it is a journey that is meant to be shared. 

Our vision and passion is union with the Father, maturing individually and as a community, and reaching the lost. 


We believe the heart of the Father and His design for this world and our lives is revealed through reading the Bible, with the help and counsel of the Holy Spirit. 


We believe that it is only Jesus who has made a way to unite us with the Father and bring us into the full life of freedom and healing that the scriptures promise. 


It is our passion to walk in the fullness of life that Jesus has provided! It is the best life! 

We know the way there is through the slow and steady pace of a disciple, walking the narrow road that is set before us. We are overjoyed in knowing that we are not called to walk alone, but together.


Together we are learning to bear one another’s burdens, to encourage and strengthen one another through the hardships and brokenness we face in this world, to remind one another of the hope that is set before us and of the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before and cheer us on. It is only because of the love of the Father and all that He has accomplished for us that we pursue this life together. 


As we ourselves are strengthened and matured, we are prepared to share this great news of the gospel with the lost and hurting in our world. It is not our goal to simply enlarge our congregation but to truly see people meet Jesus for the first time. And to encounter what Christian life truly is - not adhering to a list of rules, keeping a routine of attending church, or finding a place to serve, but falling in love with our Creator and becoming the face of God to the world around us. 



This is our hope and vision for Oak Grove Church. We are an evolving group of believers, not tied to a structure but set on a foundation of God’s love. We are not out to define ourselves, but rather to let God speak identity into us as we become all that He means for us to be in our community. There is a childlike excitement to walking as the Father leads us. Our hearts for one another are true. We are not perfect but His love and guidance cover us. 



In the Oak Grove Church community you will be loved, challenged, and covered. You will be invited not into a program, but into our lives. You will be discipled and learn to see the power of the gospel as it has played out in your own story. 


The Christian church is meant to be a taste of the Kingdom on earth - a vision of what we have to look forward to in eternity. That is our hope for the fellowship that God is putting together. We humbly seek to walk in the light of that vision. 

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677  Madison St Port St. Joe FL United States 32456

P.O. Box 967  Port St. Joe, FL  32457


Office Hours:  We are currently working offsite but if you leave a message on our voicemail, someone will call you ASAP.  We are available any day of the week.  Thank you!

(850) 227-1837          Ministries Assistant: Diane Pierett           

Copyright © 2023 Oak Grove Church. All Rights Reserved     


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