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We are the Temple of God

Weekly Words ( Sunday November 29th 2020) by Elder Jimmy Gainnie

1st. Corinthians 3: 16,17.

Referring back to a earlier lesson of abiding in Christ, the fruit of the abiding is we grow into the Temple of God. Scripture teaches He is wanting a habitation place. This comes about as we believers mature with the Word, Spirit, and each other.

He has promised increase (spiritual) in verse 6, God gives the increase. It comes as we keep abiding in Christ. He wants to show the kingdom of heaven, through His family. So as we abide we mature as the temple of God. This can not be while operating with natural mind. He invites us have our mind transformed by presenting ourselves to Him. The natural body and mind cannot enter.

Some barriers to becoming the temple. 1.religion rather relationship. 2. Operating independently of God. 3. Learning how to cooperate with God, through humility, and surrender. 4. Many believers believe they are worthless. You and I are significant and valuable to God. This gospel we have in us, can change a heart.

We as the church need to pledge ourselves, to the go after and keep going after seeking Him. And God to give the increase. Our goal is to be His habitation, His temple. That's where His glory is! Hallelujah!!!!!

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