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Weekly Words


Abiding in Christ ( Sunday November 1st 2020) by Elder Jimmy Gainnie

Scripture John15: 1-14

  • Word: Scripture John 15:1-15 Jesus’ word in red, pay attention.

  • 1. Jesus is the Vine, We are the branches-God’s structure-grows to produce divine life (fruit). Verse 1

  • 2.The vinedresser, is the Father. He is the source, planner, planter, life, soil, water, everything needed. Verse 2 and 3.

  • 3. Branches that are not producing, He lifts up and put a foundation (rock) under you to help us to produce, He also will prune the vine that is producing. To cleanse, cut away useless parts that hinder producing fruit.

  • 4. Abide in me, I will….abide in you. Obedience and promise. Abide He will keep, hold you up, be with you, also means we are to wait. Verse 4.

  • 5. Abiding is where the fruit is produced, apart from Him no fruit. A person not abiding has no relationship with Christ and is judged accordingly. Abiding in Him and His word-they cannot be separated. To abide the Word has to be obeyed. Obedience to Christ and His Word brings promise of “Ask what you will” It will be the will of the Father you are asking for. Verse 5-7.

  • 6. We produce fruit,  we honor the father. Show you are my disciples. Jesus’ definition of a disciple. Verse 8.

  • 7. This is the  Father’ love, abide here, keep my commandments, you will live in this love. We show our love obedience not sacrifice. Verses 9-10.

  • 8. This brings honor to the Father and joy to the Son. It brings joy and strength to our life. Commandment, love one another. I will lay down my life for you. Verse 11-13.

  • 9. If you do this you are my friends, keep doing them, abiding. I will show you everything I heard of the Father, and have learned from the Father.

  • P. S. Please pray about fasting, prayer, repentance, humility, and consecrated time to the Lord after January 1st. 2021.    

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2 commentaires

04 nov. 2020

Thank you for a great reminder of the importance of staying connected to Him. Oh, what love the Father has for us!


03 nov. 2020

One of my favorite chapters. Great job Brother Jimmy for a timely word. Obedience is a great way to deepen our relationship with the Father

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